Lit Review #1



Lori Anderson, et al. “Is Binge Drinking Normal?” Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, vol. 14, no. 4, North American Business Press, 2014, p. 1–.


In her article “Is Binge Drinking Normal?”, Lori Anderson analyzes the relationship between binge drinking and membership in fraternities and sororities. Anderson uses information from DeSimone’s study to identify a causal effect of binge drinking from fraternities. The results of this study do not only analyze the relationship between greek life and binge drinking, but the study also looks at measures of overall risk preference that are relevant predictors of binge drinking. 


Lori Anderson, a professor at Farmingdale University focuses on study-based articles to analyze data that forms relationships between topics. She focuses on science-based articles on topics such as biological and anatomical research.

Key Terms:

  • nonparametric kernel methods- estimates the conditional probability density function allows for a fully flexible functional form and minimizes the assumptions required for estimation.

  • nonparametric conditional probability density-  binge drinking indicator estimated using nonparametric kernel methods

  • direct policy implications- providing answers to the question of how should colleges and universities best focus their resources to curb binge drinking.


  • one theme in the empirical literature of college binge drinking is that, on average, fraternity and sorority members binge drink more frequently and more heavily than non-members”

  • “restricting or eliminating fraternity membership reduces binge drinking and improves campus safety”

  • “There are many factors that might explain heavier drinking among fraternity members. For instance, joining a fraternity could in itself contribute to the amount of binge drinking, ceteris paribus, therefore exhibiting a causal effect on drinking (DeSimone, 2007, 2009)).”


This article has value to my paper because DeSimone’s evidence that supports that greek life is a causal effect of binge drinking is a good tool to use to support the points I make in my paper. In addition. Some of Anderson’s research goes against the points in my paper, which I can use for a counterargument.


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