Case- Research Blog #8

My cases conclude that by increasing the effectiveness of state alcohol policy, there is a decrease in binge drinking. One case that highlights this finding was a study conducted by Timothy Naimi. In this study, Timothy found the inverse relationship between binge drinking and an increase in state government policy on binge drinking. He states “Higher APS scores (representing stronger policy environments) were associated with less binge drinking and accounted for a substantial proportion of the state-level variation in binge drinking among U.S. states.” Another study that also contributes to conveying how binge drinking can be prevented is shown in a study conducted by Ziming Xuan. In this study, similar results were found, stating that an increase in state policy will cause a decrease in binge drinking. In this study, it is concluded that “that a 10 percentage point higher score on the strength of the state policy environment corresponded to an approximate 8% lower adjusted odds of binge drinking and binge drinking 5 or more times, and a 10% lower adjusted odds of consuming 10 or more drinks within 1 episode during the past 30 days.” This means that even if a policy was just increased by a 10% higher point score, there is a substantial decrease in binge drinking. These cases are important because it shows how effective policy can reduce binge drinking. If binge drinking is reduced, there will be a decreased chance of the effects of binge drinking harming any individual. The policy can keep individuals safe by stopping binge drinking habits, preventing students from doing anything reckless, decreasing the chance of dangers known to party life in college, and reducing the chance of other detrimental consequences of binge drinking.

Works Cited:

Xuan, Ziming, et al. “The Alcohol Policy Environment and Policy Subgroups as Predictors of Binge Drinking Measures Among US Adults.” American Journal of Public Health (1971), vol. 105, no. 4, American Public Health Association, Inc, 2015, pp. 816–22, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.302112.

Naimi, Timothy S., et al. “A New Scale of the U.S. Alcohol Policy Environment and Its Relationship to Binge Drinking.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 46, no. 1, Elsevier Inc, 2014, pp. 10–16, doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2013.07.015.


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